Monday, November 30, 2015

College students gather at local church for worship night series

In popular college party towns like Oxford, students can sometimes find it difficult to find a wholesome activity that does not involve drinking or going to the bars. Additionally, the religious students around town struggle to connect with other students with the same spiritual beliefs as them. The Orchard Oxford is a church here that decided to try to change that.

The Orchard began a series of college worship nights that began on October 13th of this year. It continued on through November 19th. Worship was led by musician David Vicchiollo and sermons were taught by Pastor Don Ross. Ross decided that the main theme of the series would be “Me and My Zombie,” a look into the Christian idea that acceptance of Jesus Christ brings to life a renewed soul within that person.

Every night would begin with worship followed by the sermon. Students were then encouraged to break up into smaller groups for a discussion among their peers about the lesson taught from the sermon. Students met other like-minded students and formed friendships that would otherwise have not happened. The Orchard plans on doing another college worship night series next semester.

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