Sunday, April 26, 2015

Oxford Mississippi’s CrossFit Helps Motivate Young Women

Amelia Austin takes on rope challenge at
Oxford Mississippi's CrossFit
Magazines, television, and even toys often influence the idea of what a woman’s body should look like. Many women claim they grow up feeling pressured to look a certain way and maintain a certain body image. Oxford Mississippi’s CrossFit is working to take this pressure off young women and help them to feel happy in their own skin.  It is a Christian based gym that promotes a healthy lifestyle for women that is not focused around calorie counting and dieting but instead on feeling accomplished and healthy both physically and spiritually.

Three young women who are part of Oxford Mississippi’s CrossFit have learned to love their bodies and become confident with their muscles. To them it is no longer about being skinny or 110 pounds but about being healthy and happy with the way they look and feel. You can find out more on these three women from the story below: 

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