"You're never guaranteed as part of the police force, that you'll return home safely. There are no certainties. Robert was a hero that understood that."
-William Sheffield, UPD Police Captain
Hanging in the University Police Department, there is a plaque that's impossible to miss-a symbol to the UPD of a legacy left behind by a great man.
It's with a solemn expression and clouded eyes, that Police Captain, William "Ray" Sheffield recounts the life of his former partner and friend, Robert Langley. Captain Sheffield was one of the people that knew him best, and had the opportunity to work with Langley in the military as well.
"Robert was just a down to earth, all around good guy," said Captain Sheffield. It's because of Langley's contributions to the university, that Captain Sheffield has been helping since 2006 to raise money for the Robert Langley Memorial Scholarship fund.
Captain Sheffield explains more about his feelings for Officer Langley in the following report.
He hopes that as time goes on, Langley will be better remembered for the life he led rather than the tragedy that caused his death.
thanks so much for your kind words about my nephew Robbie, I met you at his funeral, I had flown in from Va and just to see all the people there , that cared about Robbie, was something I will never forget. I think of Robbie (big ears) daily..time has passed but that smile is always there... I love and miss him dearly, thanks again for the kind words..he was as good as it gets..very proud aunt..Lisa :)