The Oxford University Transit System ( OUT) has recently announced plans to build four bus shelters with map displays and additional route information pamphlets. These changes have been made possible due to the huge success of the program since it began last January. OUT currently has five routes- Blue, Red, Orange, Green and Yellow, that cover most of the Oxford community from Jackson Ave. to the Brittany Woods Subdivision.
Riding the OUT bus avoids parking hassles on campus and can help save money on gas. So get on OUT! With the recent improvements, there are now even more reasons to ride:
1. It's convenient.
2. It's reliable and on time.
3. Save money on gas, avoid parking hassles.
4. It’s free for students, faculty, and staff! Just show your Ole Miss I.D.
The Orange Line will not be in operation for the summer, and buses will run until 6:45 every night instead of the usual 8:00 p.m. For complete route information, including maps and schedules, visit: http://www.oxfordms.net/out/schedule.htm
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