As a college student every now and again you need something to give you that extra push! Lots of students look to coffee and coffee based products to do just that. On the University of Mississippi campus there is such a place where one can find that right cup of coffee, The Ole Miss Book Store Café. The Ole Miss Café is located inside the Student Union on the main level. There are several other places on campus where coffee and coffee like products can be purchased but The Ole Miss Café is the most popular.
The café is a common meeting ground for students and faculty alike. So why is coffee so popular? Is it the fresh aroma of coffee beans, the rich taste or the fact it raises your caffeine levels? The reason varies from person to person. The café not only serves the average cup of coffee. Lattes, espresso drinks, and non-coffee drinks, sandwiches and baked goods featured by Starbucks are also served. The Ole Miss Bookstore Café has something for everyone.
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