Friday, April 23, 2010

Has Technology Doomed Us All?

If someone offered a reward of a million dollars to answer one question how confident a person be? That depends on how knowledgeable he or she is on the subject, right? What if the question was which is worse, texting while driving or drinking and driving?

The answer that most Americans would give is drinking and driving. Logically, it does seem to make more sense, but that answer is wrong. Texting while driving is much more dangerous.
A person is about six times more likely to have an accident texting while driving than driving while intoxicated. The thought that with one device in their hand their judgement is impaired to the point to be six times more likely to cause an accident is unsettling.

Some states have banned texting while driving and there have been campaigns implemented across the country to warn drivers of a new no texting policy. Advances in modern technology have put Americans in the fore front of making groundbreaking discoveries, but is the technology that we create dooming us all?

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