Sunday, April 30, 2017

"Be the Bridge": An Ole Miss Group Seeks Racial Unity With Dinner Event

Ole Miss "Be The Bridge" fall semester dinner event.
An Ole Miss ministry on campus, called "Be The Bridge", invited students to attend dinner last Thursday designed to bring about discussion about racial issues. The group is dedicated to seeking racial unity on the Ole Miss campus, while providing a safe place for students of various backgrounds to discuss issues regarding race within the church, society and more.

"Be The Bridge", started by Latasha Morrison, continues grow and has spawned various chapters all over the nation. But, for Ole Miss BSU assistant director Laine Anderson, "Be The Bridge" is especially important for the Ole Miss campus. "I was in my African American Literature class," Anderson said, "and it was the day after the James Meredith statue had been vandalized...and [because I was] I was able to hear unfiltered and raw emotion from my peers about how it really hurt them as African American students on this campus. I had not heard those issues before because while vandalizing the statue affects me, it doesn't affect me in the same way that it might a student of color."

Bernard Blissett has more on the story, which can be viewed below.

Users can follow and interact with the "Be the Bridge" community through Twitter and Instagram as well.

"Be the Bridge" also has a group page on Facebook that users may access through a request.

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