Monday, May 1, 2017

Oxford, Mississippi Underage Drinkers Recognized Not by Their Fake ID’s, but by their Attitude

 Courtesy of Google Images

As spring has sprung and the countdown to summer break is growing smaller, students at The University of Mississippi fill the square to enjoy warm weather, good company and alcoholic beverages.

However, with excitement and celebration comes the problem of underage alcohol consumption, and while not every student under the age of twenty-one can be accused of drinking, local bartenders and bouncers express how easy it is to spot the ones who do.

“I get some I.D.’s handed to me and sometimes it is a little difficult to tell, but then there are the ones I get and I’m just like ‘Come on child, you got to be kidding me’,” Maurice or “Big Mo”, bouncer at Frank and Marlee’s, said.

Missing holograms, incorrect issue and expiration dates, flexibility and dark pictures are all obvious ways to identify if a license is real or fake. If found guilty of using or possessing a fake I.D., the penalties include facing a fine of up to $500 or more, court and legal fees, community service hours, and in some situations, more.

“When I was underage I drank occasionally, I mean I think we’ve all been there, but recently we’ve started to realize how careless and reckless people can be. And with A.B.C. in town constantly, it’s getting harder to get away with things,” Jack Stevens, bartender at Frank and Marlee’s, said. 

Along with the growing and continuous problem of underage drinking, at this years recent Double Decker Arts Festival, employees complained that theft has accompanied this problem.

“I found our tip jar on the floor of the bathroom completely empty, so I went up to one of the guy's sitting at the bar, and found all the cash and tip receipts in his pocket, and he just so happened to be underage, and while obvioulsy not every underage kid is stealing, it doesn’t help make a case for them,” Stevens said.

“He was arrested and when we watched the video footage from the night it was obvious it was him. His name is known at every bar now locally, it’s just not worth it. If you’re going to drink illegally at least try to do it responsibly,” Stevens said.

The Oxford Mississippi Police Department’s Twitter profile is popular among the Ole Miss community for it’s humor and sarcastic attitude towards local crimes, and is consistent in reporting illegal activity or behavior. Daily crime reports can also be found online.

Oxford Police Department Twitter

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